Expert Hand and Wrist Care in San Francisco


Board-certified hand and reconstructive plastic surgeon

With the use of our hands, we shape our lives and our world. Dr. Patrick Lang has dedicated his life’s work to helping individuals continue to use their hands effectively in the face of the myriad injuries and pathologies that can impact their normal function. The human hand and upper extremity have been exquisitely engineered through millions of years of evolution. The function that they afford is a manifestation of complex interactions between skin, bone, muscle, tendon, and nerve tissues. Through both surgical and non-surgical approaches, Dr. Patrick Lang is committed to helping his patients maximize their hand function so that they can continue to shape their worlds, and bring meaning to their lives.


“I suffered a bad wrist break, and the emergency room physician recommended Dr. Lang. Dr. Lang has a calm, careful and cool demeanor and clearly knows this specialty well—he was willing to answer all my questions at the desired technical level. Although the surgery was more complicated than for a typical broken wrist, it went perfectly and everything he said about the surgery, recover and therapy was exactly correct.”

— Patient, 2018.

“I can’t say enough about Dr. Lang. He is incredibly knowledgeable and caring.”

— Patient, 2018.

“Dr. Patrick Lang was a gift to me. I had a distal radius fracture at the end of March, 2020, with multiple breaks in my wrist. I was so lucky to have Dr. Patrick Lang recommended to me as a surgeon.”

— Patient 2020.